Computing Leadership
We facilitate the contract for the leadership specialism and work hard to support computing leaders in both Primary and Secondary schools and ensure that the training offered across all the computing hubs nationally is providing subject leads and Heads of Faculty with up to date, relevant, engaging and insightful professional development.
The big computing leadership conference 23 wrap up
Free NCCE Leadership CPD Courses
Leading Primary Computing - module 1 - FACE TO FACE
Face to Face - Dates, locations and booking
Learn how to evaluate your schools current teaching, your role as a subject lead and use this to develop outstanding computing teaching in your school.
Leading Primary Computing - module 2 - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking
Following on from module 1 - Focus on how to best lead the improvement of computing teaching and provide professional support and development to others.
New subject leaders of secondary computing
Face to Face - Dates, locations and booking
Remote - Multiple dates available - Dates, info and booking
Develop the leadership skills and management practices to confidently coordinate an effective computing department.
Other helpful courses for leaders
Primary - We have many general courses for primary computing, we wanted to highlight a few that as a leader you may be particularly interested in.
Assessment in Primary Computing - Dates, info and booking
Online Safety through Primary Computing - Dates, info and booking
Implementing the Teach Computing Curriculum in your School - Dates, info and booking
Getting Started in Year... - Year group specific CPD that is great to refer to your fellow teachers who need to gain a little confidence in their specific curriculum. - Year 1 - Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6
Have you received your free Micro:bits? (If not find out more here). Get training for you or your teachers - Dates, info and booking
Secondary - We have many general courses for secondary computing, we wanted to highlight a few that as a leader you may be particularly interested in.
Assessment in Secondary Computing - Dates, info and booking
Preparing for Ofsted in Secondary Computing - Dates, info and booking
You will also find plenty of subject knowledge and other courses that you may wish to complete or signpost your department towards.
Teach Computing Curriculum - a free, up to date, research lead, full coverage computing curriculum for KS1 – 4 - Click here
Teach Computing Curriculum Online Quizzes - Google Forms and Microsoft Forms versions of the KS2 summative assessment quizzes - Click here
Crumble website – Buy Crumbles & Components and get inspired with many Crumble projects - Click here
Micro:bit website - including online virtual Micro:bit and free Micro:bit scheme for primary teachers - Click here
Data Harvest - Primary and Secondary Data logger solutions: - Click here
AI information for teachers, via - Click here
Craig'n'Dave - Great resources for computing teachers and students alike - Student Videos - TIME 2 CODE Python resources - Smart Revise for GCSE and A-Level - Classroom resources
NCCE Computing Quality Framework - Click here
NCCE Pedagogy Quick Reads – pressed for time? Get bitesize CPD here - Click here
Latest news and updates from the NCCE - Click here
Python Programming exercises with video explanations from Pete Dring - Click here
Computing and ICT in a Nutshell – hundreds of pages of explanations, exercises and lesson ideas - Click here
Computing-related puzzles, games and lesson ideas from 101Computing - Click here
Hello World Magazine - an enjoyable read about Computing education - Click here
Computing Leadership Forums
Facebook - Primary Coordinators Group - Click here
STEM community group – Teaching and Leading Computing - Click here
CAS – Computing at Schools - Click here
Run Don’t Walk – a helpful blog on all things primary computing - Click here
How to Teach Computer Science, the blog – Alan’s blog on Secondary Computing – Click here
Your thoughts, experiences, opinions and ideas are vital to us. We need your help to understand; what is important, challenging, a barrier to learning or a success story in the current learning environment. Please take a moment to give us your thoughts! We really appreciate it.
Your Leadership Specialists
Primary - Phil Wickins
My name is Phil Wickins and I am a primary school teacher specialising in computing, a senior Professional Development Leader for STEM and I am the National Specialist for Primary Computing Leadership, with the NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education).
I am dedicated to supporting primary schools and individual teachers so that every child can have a world leading computing education. I specialise in physical computing and 3D design; enabling students to maximise creativity within their computing projects.
I am a creative, versatile and motivated communicator with over 15 years of leading, educational and training experience. I have advanced problem-solving skills, I am a logical and lateral thinker with the proven ability to inspire confidence in others.
I have also completed the NPQSL – National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership – and the NCCE Computer Science Accelerator Course, giving me an awareness of the preparation required for education beyond KS2.
Secondary - Alan Harrison
I’m Alan Harrison, a Lead Professional Development Leader for STEM and the National Specialist for Secondary Computing Leadership, with the NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education).
After graduating in Computer Science, I spent 25 years in the IT industry as an operator, operations analyst (a role now called “DevOps”), programmer and cybersecurity consultant. I have been a professional member of the BCS (MBCS) since 2006.
As Head of Computing at a state school in Manchester from 2018-2022 I gained the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership (NPQML), the NCCE Subject Knowledge Certificate (formerly Computer Science Accelerator) and the Teach Secondary Computing certificate. I am a member of the Chartered College of Teaching (MCCT) and I wrote the books “How to Teach Computer Science” and “How to Learn Computer Science” in 2021-22.
Alongside my NCCE roles I deliver bespoke training for local schools, run the CAS Manchester community, create content for Craig’n’Dave, lecture part time at Ada, The College for Digital Skills, and write a blog at
Alan Harrison, BSc, MBCS, MCCT, NPQML
To hear about our latest news, events, updates and courses, sign up to receive communications here.