Primary Computing Support
Physical Kit Loan
Our kits are booking out quickly - please enquire now to loan a kit for the academic year 24-25.
Primary Certificate
Improve your computing knowledge and employability by completing a nationally recognised certificate in computing. Awarded by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
We have a variety of CPD courses running over the next few months and are constantly adding new courses so do check back soon. All of our courses are free of charge for state schools.
If there is anything you would want to see here or if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.
We hope to see you at one of our courses soon!
Empowering Girls in Key Stage 2 Computing - Follow up from the conference - 20th January - 15.45 to 16.45 - REMOTE
Physical Computing Kit Courses
Physical computing kit - KS2 - Crumble - short course - FACE TO FACE
16th January - Oak Green Primary School - 09:30 to 11:00 - Info and booking
The Crumble Controller is an easy-to-use programmable device, ideal for physical computing in primary schools. It is capable of driving two motors. With 4 input / output terminals, children can connect LEDs, switches and other interesting add-ons.
Physical Computing Kit - KS2 Crumble - short course - FACE TO FACE
20th January - Fir Tree Junior School - 15:30 to 17:00 - Info and booking
During this CPD you’ll explore how Crumble can be used in the classroom, with blocks of code ‘snapping’ together in an easy-to-use, Scratch-like environment suitable for key stage 2. You’ll find out how to setup the device, how to make use of input and output terminals and explore how to use the device with children. The CPD will help you gain confidence in teaching using Crumble, and the free Teach Computing Curriculum.
Introduction to the micro:bit in Key Stage 2 - short course - FACE TO FACE
3rd February - Fir Tree Junior School - 15:30 to 17:00 - Info and booking
During this CPD, you’ll learn how to get started with the micro:bit, exploring the in-built buttons, LEDs, and sensors for detecting movement, sound, light and heat. You’ll find out how to setup the device, how to attach add-ons to make use of the inputs and outputs, and how to teach using micro:bit, making use of freely available resources.
Programming with the micro:bit - FACE TO FACE
3rd March - St Andrew's Primary School, Chinnor - 09:30 to 15:15 - Info and booking
During this CPD, you’ll learn how to get started with the micro:bit, exploring the in-built buttons, LEDs, and sensors for detecting movement, sound, light and heat. You’ll find out how to setup the device, how to attach add-ons to make use of the inputs and outputs, and how to teach using micro:bit, making use of freely available resources.
Leading Primary Computing Courses
Leading Primary Computing - Module 2 - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking
Following on from module 1 - Focus on how to best lead the improvement of computing teaching and provide professional support and development to others.
Leading Primary Computing - Module 3 - FACE TO FACE - 25th February - 09:30 - 16:00 - Shaw House, Newbury - Info and booking
Advance your practice as subject leader and support teaching staff in your school as you work towards outstanding computing. Learn how to capitalise on your equipment, extend your budget and adapt your curriculum and pedagogy to meet the needs of all pupils.
Year Group Specific Content Courses
Getting Started in Year... Remote Short Courses
These courses will take a comprehensive look into specific year group content for computing. Have a go at activities and take away ready-to-teach package to support your class.
Year 1 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Year 2 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Year 3 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Year 4 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Year 5 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Year 6 - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Other Primary Computing Courses
Empowering Girls in Key Stage 2 Computing - REMOTE
27th January - 09:30 - 11:30 - Info and booking
11th March - 15:00 - 17:00 - Info and booking
This course will explore the current gender balance in computing education and delve into the factors that influence pupil engagement, including the impact of stereotypes and biases.
Assessment of Primary Computing - FACE TO FACE
4th February - St Andrew's Primary School, Chinor - 09:30 to 15:30 - Info and booking
This CPD aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of how to accurately assess their pupils and ways to show clear progression within the subject. Through a range of formative and summative assessment approaches you will confidently evaluate learning in computing, exploring various methods of evidence gathering to support and validate assessment data.
Maths in Primary Computing - REMOTE
13th February - 15:30 - 17:00 - Info and booking
13th March - 15:30 - 17:00 - Info and booking
This course will support you to develop an understanding of the links between maths and computing. Highlighting the overlap of subject knowledge and showing how to promote deeper connections in learning in both subjects.
Careers and Enrichment in Primary Computing with STEM Ambassadors - REMOTE - 27th February - 15:30 - 17:00 - Info and booking
In this short CPD session, you will explore evidence around children’s career aspirations. Considering approaches to ensure all children are aware of future opportunities linked to computing. You will find out how to engage with a STEM Ambassador, to support effective career-learning at primary.
Introduction to the Teach Computing Curriculum - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Find out about the Teach Computing Curriculum and how to implement it in your school.
Introduction to Primary Computing - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking
Gain an understanding of the breath of the computing curriculum and how to get started from an expert practitioner.
Teaching programming with Scratch and Scratch Jr - Multiple dates and times available - Remote - Dates, info and booking
Learn essential subject knowledge to become a skilled teacher of primary programming using Scratch and Scratch Jr. Create and debug your own programmes, using key concepts such as sequence, repetition, selection and variables.
Assessing computational thinking in primary schools - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
A short course providing practical guidance on the assessment of key thinking skills in primary computing.
Preparing for Ofsted in primary computing - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Find out what to expect from an Ofsted visit to your school and how you can prepare for it as a computing subject lead.
Careers and enrichment in primary computing - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school - short course - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Find out how to use the Computing Quality Framework effectively to identify school needs and implement effective change to drive a high-quality computing education.
Empowering trainee teachers: Introduction to primary computing - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
A comprehensive introduction to primary computing. Exploring easy to use resources, lesson planning, hands-on experience of computing activities and classroom management in computing lessons.
Foundations for effective computing in key stage 1 - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Dive deeper into effective computing in key stage one, ensuring you build strong foundations for your pupils’ computing education.
Literacy via primary computing – building vocabulary and embedding literacy skills - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Explore how to teach computing vocabulary effectively.
Effective computing transition from KS2-3 - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Develop a transition project demonstrating knowledge, understanding and skills to support KS2 / KS3 teachers in ensuring the curriculum needs are met through the transition process.
Empowering girls in key stage 2 computing - Remote - Multiple dates and times available - Dates, info and booking
Forming part of the I Belong programme, you’ll explore the reasons for the gender gap, and discover strategies to overcome them in your classroom, curriculum and through extracurricular activities to empower girls in computing.
OTSA Computing Courses
AI in Primary Computing - 6th February - 15.45 to 17.15 - Remote - Info and booking
Explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be linked to aspects of the primary computing curriculum, supporting creativity, digital literacy, and the use of information technology.
This course will support you in developing a basic understanding of what AI is and how it is used in everyday life. It will help ensure that you provide correct information on AI and are able to answer questions that primary-age children may have around AI.
Online Safety through Primary Computing - 12th June - 15.45 to 17.15 - Remote - Info and booking
Online safety is a whole-school priority, and can be supported effectively through a high-quality computing curriculum. Using high-quality, evidence-based resources and best practice this CPD supports computing subject leaders to develop safe and respectful use of online technologies among all children.
Maths in Primary Computing - 1st July - 15.45 to 17.15 - Remote - Info and booking
This course will support you to develop an understanding of the links between maths and computing, highlighting the overlap of subject knowledge and showing how to promote deeper connections in learning in both subjects.
You will investigate the strong parallels between computational thinking and mathematical reasoning, highlighting key concepts and skills that can be applied to both subject areas. It will also look at the common pedagogical approaches of the two subjects and what this looks like in the classroom.
Other Live Remote Courses
Online Computing Courses To Join Anytime
Creating an Inclusive Classroom: Approaches to Supporting Learners with SEND in Computing - Info and joining
Explore ways to make your computing lessons more inclusive for learners with special educational needs and disabilities.
Get started with the Teach Computing Curriculum in your primary school - Info and joining
Improve understanding of computing using the freely available Teach Computing Curriculum and understand how to use it to deliver computing in your primary school.
Teaching Computing Systems and Networks to 5- to 11-year-olds - Info and joining
Improve your subject knowledge and develop your teaching to help young children understand the computing systems and networks around them.
Teaching Programming to 5- to 11-year-olds - Info and joining
Build your subject knowledge and develop your skills in teaching programming.
To hear about our latest news, events, updates and courses, sign up to receive communications here.